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24th River Shimanto Ultra Marathon 24th River Shimanto Ultra Marathon 24th River Shimanto Ultra Marathon

  • Date Date Date October 21 , 2018 October 21 , 2018 October 21 , 2018
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2018/05/18 - 2018/07/28 2018/05/18 - 2018/07/28 2018/05/18 - 2018/07/28
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Kochi , Japan Kochi , Japan Kochi , Japan
    Country Country Country Japan Japan Japan
    Categories Categories Categories 100km (certified) 100km (certified) 100km (certified)
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 100km : 18,000 JPY 100km : 18,000 JPY 100km : 18,000 JPY
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 1,800 people 1,800 people 1,800 people
    Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details River Shimanto Ultra Marathon Organizer River Shimanto Ultra Marathon Organizer River Shimanto Ultra Marathon Organizer
    Web Site Web Site Web Site https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327741&div=1 https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327741&div=1 https://runnetglobal.com/entry/runtes/smp/competitiondetail.do?raceId=E327741&div=1

    The venue of this ultra marathon is Shimanto city in Kochi prefecture on the island of Shikoku. River Shimanto, known as "the last clear stream in Japan", has drawn people for long time. Course run along the River Shimanto, pristine, undammed, still in its natural condition. Just before 54 km the course crosses the well-known Hage Chinkabashi bridge, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you will never forget. Staffed by an experienced team of volunteers, featuring enthusiastic support and local entertainment, etc.,the River Shimanto Ultramarathon sets up you with everything they need for a precious experience. 

    The venue of this ultra marathon is Shimanto city in Kochi prefecture on the island of Shikoku. River Shimanto, known as "the last clear stream in Japan", has drawn people for long time. Course run along the River Shimanto, pristine, undammed, still in its natural condition. Just before 54 km the course crosses the well-known Hage Chinkabashi bridge, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you will never forget. Staffed by an experienced team of volunteers, featuring enthusiastic support and local entertainment, etc.,the River Shimanto Ultramarathon sets up you with everything they need for a precious experience. 

    The venue of this ultra marathon is Shimanto city in Kochi prefecture on the island of Shikoku. River Shimanto, known as "the last clear stream in Japan", has drawn people for long time. Course run along the River Shimanto, pristine, undammed, still in its natural condition. Just before 54 km the course crosses the well-known Hage Chinkabashi bridge, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you will never forget. Staffed by an experienced team of volunteers, featuring enthusiastic support and local entertainment, etc.,the River Shimanto Ultramarathon sets up you with everything they need for a precious experience. 
