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Stavanger Marathon Stavanger Marathon Stavanger Marathon

  • Date Date Date August 26, 2017 August 26, 2017 August 26, 2017
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/11/25 - 2017/08/24 2016/11/25 - 2017/08/24 2016/11/25 - 2017/08/24
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Stavanger, Norway Stavanger, Norway Stavanger, Norway
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon, Half Marathon, 10 km Marathon, Half Marathon, 10 km Marathon, Half Marathon, 10 km
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 350-700 NOK 350-700 NOK 350-700 NOK
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 1805 1805 1805
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://stavangermarathon.no/en/ http://stavangermarathon.no/en/ http://stavangermarathon.no/en/
    One day many race options! Stavanger Marathon has start and finish at the square outside Stavanger Cathedral. The church is the oldest cathedral in Norway and from the first half of the 1100s. With great variation in length and route the Stavanger Marathon festival of running provides a challenge suitable for all!


    Photo/Text Source: Race Organizer
    One day many race options! Stavanger Marathon has start and finish at the square outside Stavanger Cathedral. The church is the oldest cathedral in Norway and from the first half of the 1100s. With great variation in length and route the Stavanger Marathon festival of running provides a challenge suitable for all!


    Photo/Text Source: Race Organizer
    One day many race options! Stavanger Marathon has start and finish at the square outside Stavanger Cathedral. The church is the oldest cathedral in Norway and from the first half of the 1100s. With great variation in length and route the Stavanger Marathon festival of running provides a challenge suitable for all!


    Photo/Text Source: Race Organizer