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Barossa Marathon Festival Barossa Marathon Festival Barossa Marathon Festival

  • Date Date Date May 28, 2017
    Next Event: To be confirmed
    May 28, 2017
    Next Event: To be confirmed
    May 28, 2017
    Next Event: To be confirmed
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Oceania Oceania Oceania
    Country Country Country Tanunda, Australia Tanunda, Australia Tanunda, Australia
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Early Bird (Until Sunday 11:59pm - 4 weeks prior)
    120-140 USD
    Standard Entry (Until Friday 12pm prior)
    130-150 USD
    Early Bird (Until Sunday 11:59pm - 4 weeks prior)
    120-140 USD
    Standard Entry (Until Friday 12pm prior)
    130-150 USD
    Early Bird (Until Sunday 11:59pm - 4 weeks prior)
    120-140 USD
    Standard Entry (Until Friday 12pm prior)
    130-150 USD
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.barossamarathon.com.au http://www.barossamarathon.com.au http://www.barossamarathon.com.au
    The inaugural Jacob’s Creek Barossa Marathon course begins with participants heading eastwards to Light Pass Rd and then south to Bethany before heading back up to Magnolia St via Menge Rd. They then do an out and back section that takes them down Murray St to Bridge St and back northwards through the Richmond Grove winery and then on the bikeway towards Nuriootpa where they turn around. Once they follow their trail back to Magnolia St, they join the half marathon course, but turn back earlier just before Stockwell Rd.
    Text Source: Official Website
    The inaugural Jacob’s Creek Barossa Marathon course begins with participants heading eastwards to Light Pass Rd and then south to Bethany before heading back up to Magnolia St via Menge Rd. They then do an out and back section that takes them down Murray St to Bridge St and back northwards through the Richmond Grove winery and then on the bikeway towards Nuriootpa where they turn around. Once they follow their trail back to Magnolia St, they join the half marathon course, but turn back earlier just before Stockwell Rd.
    Text Source: Official Website
    The inaugural Jacob’s Creek Barossa Marathon course begins with participants heading eastwards to Light Pass Rd and then south to Bethany before heading back up to Magnolia St via Menge Rd. They then do an out and back section that takes them down Murray St to Bridge St and back northwards through the Richmond Grove winery and then on the bikeway towards Nuriootpa where they turn around. Once they follow their trail back to Magnolia St, they join the half marathon course, but turn back earlier just before Stockwell Rd.
    Text Source: Official Website