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Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions

Unable To Log In 
You forgot your User ID/Password.
Please contact us through the Inquiry form.
Editing Your Account Information
Your last name has changed.

Your date of birth/gender was entered incorrectly.
You cannot edit your name, gender and date of birth.

Please contact us through the Inquiry form.
You want to change your registered email address.

You want to change your postal address. 
Log in to RUNNET JAPAN.→My Page→Members Only

During the entry period, you may edit your account information. However, if changes need to be made after the entry period, please contact the event organizer.

*The event organizer's contact information is listed on the entry page.
Changing/Cancelling An Event 
You chose the wrong event or you want to cancel your entry. Unfortunately, you cannot change/cancel an event, transfer your rights, or switch applicant names after submitting your application as specified in the race policy.

Your entry deposit will be paid to the organizer's secretary. Please check with the organizer's secretary for further details regarding a cancellation refund or if any participation rewards available. 

*The event organizer's contact information is listed on the entry page. 
"You want to modify the contents of entry, e.g. entry relevant contents such as T-shirt size and expected time "
If you notice any of your incorrect membership information during the entry period (before the deadline), You can change it on your own.
You can change your membership information through the following flows : Log in RUNNET JAPAN.→MY page→Entry history→Enterable race

*You cannot change the charged items.
*After the entry period and reaching the max capacity of entries, you cannot change your membership information.
If you notice any of your incorrect membership information after the entry period, the organizer's secretariat will modify or change your membership information.
Contact the organizer on your own if any change would be possible.

*Contact information on the organizer's secretariat is listed in the inquiry page of the entry screen of each race.
Entry Fee Status
You want to see if your payment has been processed.  Log in to RUNNET JAPAN→My Page→Entry History→Enterable Race
Race Related Inquiries 
You have questions or concerns related to the race such as reception area, access to the venue and custody of valuables. Please check with the event organizer for further details of the race management.

*The event organizer's contact information is listed on the entry page. 
Race Details
You want further details on the race. The event organizer will email you more information regarding the race. The information is normally sent out 1 week or 10 days prior to the race.

*The event organizer's contact information is listed on the entry page. 


Runnet Japan
Runnet Japan @runnetjapan