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Medio Maraton de la Mujer Cancun Medio Maraton de la Mujer Cancun Medio Maraton de la Mujer Cancun

  • Date Date Date March 4, 2018 March 4, 2018 March 4, 2018
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2017/05/20 - 2018/02/20 2017/05/20 - 2018/02/20 2017/05/20 - 2018/02/20
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region North America North America North America
    Country Country Country Cancun, Mexico Cancun, Mexico Cancun, Mexico
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon
    Half Marathon
    Half Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Local: 600 MXN
    Overseas: 65 USD
    Local: 600 MXN
    Overseas: 65 USD
    Local: 600 MXN
    Overseas: 65 USD
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Male: 1776
    Female: 1075
    Overseas: 492
    Male: 1776
    Female: 1075
    Overseas: 492
    Male: 1776
    Female: 1075
    Overseas: 492
    Web Site Web Site Web Site https://raceroster.com/13154 https://raceroster.com/13154 https://raceroster.com/13154

    The Womens' Half Marathon is an event in celebration of Womens' International Day. The event is held in the heart of Downtown Cancun and is a family oriented event, with a 5K, quarter marathon and half marathon events.


    The event  is sanctioned by the Mexican Federation of Athletics. This course is measured and certified by the IAAF Technical Officials and is an active member of the AIMS.



    Photo/Text Source: Race Organizer

    The Womens' Half Marathon is an event in celebration of Womens' International Day. The event is held in the heart of Downtown Cancun and is a family oriented event, with a 5K, quarter marathon and half marathon events.


    The event  is sanctioned by the Mexican Federation of Athletics. This course is measured and certified by the IAAF Technical Officials and is an active member of the AIMS.



    Photo/Text Source: Race Organizer

    The Womens' Half Marathon is an event in celebration of Womens' International Day. The event is held in the heart of Downtown Cancun and is a family oriented event, with a 5K, quarter marathon and half marathon events.


    The event  is sanctioned by the Mexican Federation of Athletics. This course is measured and certified by the IAAF Technical Officials and is an active member of the AIMS.



    Photo/Text Source: Race Organizer