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Brasilia City Half Marathon Brasilia City Half Marathon Brasilia City Half Marathon

  • Date Date Date November 12, 2017 November 12, 2017 November 12, 2017
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Caribbean, Central, South America Caribbean, Central, South America Caribbean, Central, South America
    Country Country Country Sao Paulo, Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://runcities.com.br/brasilia/home/ http://runcities.com.br/brasilia/home/ http://runcities.com.br/brasilia/home/
    BSB City Half Marathon was Brazil's fastest half marathon in 2016 and is among the country's top street races. With light descents, the course is perfect for those who want to beat their personal record or intend to complete the distance for the first time. The route is a real invitation to get to know some of the most important architectural works of the Federal Capital, such as the Mané Garrincha stadium, the National Congress, the Esplanade of the Ministries and the Federal Supreme Court.

    Text Source: http://runcities.com.br/brasilia/home
    BSB City Half Marathon was Brazil's fastest half marathon in 2016 and is among the country's top street races. With light descents, the course is perfect for those who want to beat their personal record or intend to complete the distance for the first time. The route is a real invitation to get to know some of the most important architectural works of the Federal Capital, such as the Mané Garrincha stadium, the National Congress, the Esplanade of the Ministries and the Federal Supreme Court.

    Text Source: http://runcities.com.br/brasilia/home
    BSB City Half Marathon was Brazil's fastest half marathon in 2016 and is among the country's top street races. With light descents, the course is perfect for those who want to beat their personal record or intend to complete the distance for the first time. The route is a real invitation to get to know some of the most important architectural works of the Federal Capital, such as the Mané Garrincha stadium, the National Congress, the Esplanade of the Ministries and the Federal Supreme Court.

    Text Source: http://runcities.com.br/brasilia/home