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Runatolia Marathon (Half + 10km) Runatolia Marathon (Half + 10km) Runatolia Marathon (Half + 10km)

  • Date Date Date 2017/03/05 2017/03/05 2017/03/05
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Antalya, Turkey Antalya, Turkey Antalya, Turkey
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.runatolia.com http://www.runatolia.com http://www.runatolia.com
    Runatolia Marathon started with the name of Runato International Antalya Marathon for the first time on March 19, 2006 with 850 people aiming to make a difference in Turkish tourism and contribute to winter tourism.

    Successful organizations, which have been increasing every year with high attendance from all over the world and from within the country, have been signed 11 times. From 2015 onwards, it has entered into Turset Project Management which is one of the leading organization companies of Turkey with the name of Runatolia Marathon. Runatolia Marathon has become an indispensable part of Turkey with its contribution to the tourism of our country and promotion of our city in 11 years. Runatolia Marathon is also an ideal run for the amateur athlete who has little jogging experience as well as professional runners. In addition to its sporting features, it is a sports festival that lasts for 3 days with many side events and entertainments, and it is the biggest Life-Stage Marathon of my country.

    Runatolia, which is held every March, is considered as one of the most popular destinations in Turkey in terms of sport and holiday union, flat without climbing, city beauties on the route, history and Antalya's world famous coastline. The runatolia 2017 Marathon is expected to host approximately 4,000 participants with approximately 8,000 runners and a public run on Saturdays, along with jogging at different distances on Sunday.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.runatolia.com
    Runatolia Marathon started with the name of Runato International Antalya Marathon for the first time on March 19, 2006 with 850 people aiming to make a difference in Turkish tourism and contribute to winter tourism.

    Successful organizations, which have been increasing every year with high attendance from all over the world and from within the country, have been signed 11 times. From 2015 onwards, it has entered into Turset Project Management which is one of the leading organization companies of Turkey with the name of Runatolia Marathon. Runatolia Marathon has become an indispensable part of Turkey with its contribution to the tourism of our country and promotion of our city in 11 years. Runatolia Marathon is also an ideal run for the amateur athlete who has little jogging experience as well as professional runners. In addition to its sporting features, it is a sports festival that lasts for 3 days with many side events and entertainments, and it is the biggest Life-Stage Marathon of my country.

    Runatolia, which is held every March, is considered as one of the most popular destinations in Turkey in terms of sport and holiday union, flat without climbing, city beauties on the route, history and Antalya's world famous coastline. The runatolia 2017 Marathon is expected to host approximately 4,000 participants with approximately 8,000 runners and a public run on Saturdays, along with jogging at different distances on Sunday.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.runatolia.com
    Runatolia Marathon started with the name of Runato International Antalya Marathon for the first time on March 19, 2006 with 850 people aiming to make a difference in Turkish tourism and contribute to winter tourism.

    Successful organizations, which have been increasing every year with high attendance from all over the world and from within the country, have been signed 11 times. From 2015 onwards, it has entered into Turset Project Management which is one of the leading organization companies of Turkey with the name of Runatolia Marathon. Runatolia Marathon has become an indispensable part of Turkey with its contribution to the tourism of our country and promotion of our city in 11 years. Runatolia Marathon is also an ideal run for the amateur athlete who has little jogging experience as well as professional runners. In addition to its sporting features, it is a sports festival that lasts for 3 days with many side events and entertainments, and it is the biggest Life-Stage Marathon of my country.

    Runatolia, which is held every March, is considered as one of the most popular destinations in Turkey in terms of sport and holiday union, flat without climbing, city beauties on the route, history and Antalya's world famous coastline. The runatolia 2017 Marathon is expected to host approximately 4,000 participants with approximately 8,000 runners and a public run on Saturdays, along with jogging at different distances on Sunday.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.runatolia.com