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Kilimanjaro Marathon Kilimanjaro Marathon Kilimanjaro Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/02/26 2017/02/26 2017/02/26
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Africa Africa Africa
    Country Country Country Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.kilimanjaromarathon.com http://www.kilimanjaromarathon.com http://www.kilimanjaromarathon.com
    The Kilimanjaro Marathon (42.2km), Half Marathon (21.1km) and Fun Run (5km) is going into its 14th year! As a fully registered IAAF race, the marathon has official marshalling, time-keeping and refreshment points at regular intervals. It may be used as a qualifier for Comrades. The race is run under the watchful eye of Mount Kilimanjaro, with the altitude gain being quite manageable and with the entire race being completed between 830 and 1150m asl, on good tarred roads.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.kilimanjaromarathon.com
    The Kilimanjaro Marathon (42.2km), Half Marathon (21.1km) and Fun Run (5km) is going into its 14th year! As a fully registered IAAF race, the marathon has official marshalling, time-keeping and refreshment points at regular intervals. It may be used as a qualifier for Comrades. The race is run under the watchful eye of Mount Kilimanjaro, with the altitude gain being quite manageable and with the entire race being completed between 830 and 1150m asl, on good tarred roads.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.kilimanjaromarathon.com
    The Kilimanjaro Marathon (42.2km), Half Marathon (21.1km) and Fun Run (5km) is going into its 14th year! As a fully registered IAAF race, the marathon has official marshalling, time-keeping and refreshment points at regular intervals. It may be used as a qualifier for Comrades. The race is run under the watchful eye of Mount Kilimanjaro, with the altitude gain being quite manageable and with the entire race being completed between 830 and 1150m asl, on good tarred roads.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.kilimanjaromarathon.com