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Daegu International Marathon Daegu International Marathon Daegu International Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/04/02 2017/04/02 2017/04/02
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Asia Asia Asia
    Country Country Country Daegu, South Korea Daegu, South Korea Daegu, South Korea
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.marathon.daegusports.or.kr http://www.marathon.daegusports.or.kr http://www.marathon.daegusports.or.kr
    It is our great pleasure to host 2017 Daegu International Marathon. We dedicate ourselves to the event preparation to make it another successful and enjoyable event for all runners. Daegu International Marathon brings together varied groups of people with passion for running. With a sincere hope to host a meaningful event for everyone, Daegu International Marathon will amplify the love of running for all and promote a healthy life through running. On behalf of 2.6 million Daegu citizens, we welcome all of you and hope your race in Daegu is memorable and exciting.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.marathon.daegusports.or.kr
    It is our great pleasure to host 2017 Daegu International Marathon. We dedicate ourselves to the event preparation to make it another successful and enjoyable event for all runners. Daegu International Marathon brings together varied groups of people with passion for running. With a sincere hope to host a meaningful event for everyone, Daegu International Marathon will amplify the love of running for all and promote a healthy life through running. On behalf of 2.6 million Daegu citizens, we welcome all of you and hope your race in Daegu is memorable and exciting.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.marathon.daegusports.or.kr
    It is our great pleasure to host 2017 Daegu International Marathon. We dedicate ourselves to the event preparation to make it another successful and enjoyable event for all runners. Daegu International Marathon brings together varied groups of people with passion for running. With a sincere hope to host a meaningful event for everyone, Daegu International Marathon will amplify the love of running for all and promote a healthy life through running. On behalf of 2.6 million Daegu citizens, we welcome all of you and hope your race in Daegu is memorable and exciting.

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.marathon.daegusports.or.kr