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Siberian International Marathon Siberian International Marathon Siberian International Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/08/05 2017/08/05 2017/08/05
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/06/29 - 2016/12/10 2016/06/29 - 2016/12/10 2016/06/29 - 2016/12/10
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Omsk, Russia Omsk, Russia Omsk, Russia
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee Local: 900 RUB
    Overseas: 50 EUR
    Local: 900 RUB
    Overseas: 50 EUR
    Local: 900 RUB
    Overseas: 50 EUR
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 598 598 598
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 578 578 578
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.runsim.ru http://www.runsim.ru http://www.runsim.ru
    If you choose our summer event you’ll see unique time for Siberia. Short, but extraordinarily bright and rich, it is breaking all stereotypes about everlasting Siberian frost and cold Siberians. If you like an extreme and prefer our winter event, be ready to discover what is real Siberian frost!

    In spite of 5000 km distance between London and Omsk to get Omsk for Englishman as easy as to get, say, Milan or Munich. Wide range of Russian airlines, suggesting direct and transitional flights from Europe, are corresponding all international air-service standards. Our highlights include:

    - reputation of the oldest and best organized marathon in Russia
    - more than 25 years’ experience
    - professional team open for changes and innovations
    - city where Marathon is our “thing”

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.runsim.ru
    If you choose our summer event you’ll see unique time for Siberia. Short, but extraordinarily bright and rich, it is breaking all stereotypes about everlasting Siberian frost and cold Siberians. If you like an extreme and prefer our winter event, be ready to discover what is real Siberian frost!

    In spite of 5000 km distance between London and Omsk to get Omsk for Englishman as easy as to get, say, Milan or Munich. Wide range of Russian airlines, suggesting direct and transitional flights from Europe, are corresponding all international air-service standards. Our highlights include:

    - reputation of the oldest and best organized marathon in Russia
    - more than 25 years’ experience
    - professional team open for changes and innovations
    - city where Marathon is our “thing”

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.runsim.ru
    If you choose our summer event you’ll see unique time for Siberia. Short, but extraordinarily bright and rich, it is breaking all stereotypes about everlasting Siberian frost and cold Siberians. If you like an extreme and prefer our winter event, be ready to discover what is real Siberian frost!

    In spite of 5000 km distance between London and Omsk to get Omsk for Englishman as easy as to get, say, Milan or Munich. Wide range of Russian airlines, suggesting direct and transitional flights from Europe, are corresponding all international air-service standards. Our highlights include:

    - reputation of the oldest and best organized marathon in Russia
    - more than 25 years’ experience
    - professional team open for changes and innovations
    - city where Marathon is our “thing”

    Photo/Text Source: http://www.runsim.ru