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Toyota Media Maraton de Lima 21k & 10k Toyota Media Maraton de Lima 21k & 10k Toyota Media Maraton de Lima 21k & 10k

  • Date Date Date 2016/08/28 2016/08/28 2016/08/28
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Caribbean,Central,South America Caribbean,Central,South America Caribbean,Central,South America
    Country Country Country Lima, Peru Lima, Peru Lima, Peru
    Categories Categories Categories Half Marathon Half Marathon Half Marathon
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.running4peru.com/eventos/107-toyota-media-maraton-de-lima-2016 http://www.running4peru.com/eventos/107-toyota-media-maraton-de-lima-2016 http://www.running4peru.com/eventos/107-toyota-media-maraton-de-lima-2016
    There are many reasons that motivate you to run, and today we give you one more for which to give it all this August 28 in the 107 Toyota Media Lima Marathon & 10k. From today we all assume a great commitment: making this city, and the world, a better place to live. This time your effort will become more trees for the city.

    In both distances, 10k and 21k, you can make your own contribution to the environment, as we will plant one tree for every 10k you can walk. During the delivery of kits you can choose the place where your tree will be planted, which will be housed in 11 districts of Lima: Ancon - Stone Bridge - San Juan de Lurigancho - Independence - Rimac - Lima Center - Lince - Miraflores - San Juan de Miraflores - Villa el Salvador - Manchay - Pachacamac

    This time commitment is two, this time the goal is bigger Run for the planet!
    Photo Source: http://www.running4peru.com/eventos/107-toyota-media-maraton-de-lima-2016
    Text by: http://mediamaratondelima.pe/
    There are many reasons that motivate you to run, and today we give you one more for which to give it all this August 28 in the 107 Toyota Media Lima Marathon & 10k. From today we all assume a great commitment: making this city, and the world, a better place to live. This time your effort will become more trees for the city.

    In both distances, 10k and 21k, you can make your own contribution to the environment, as we will plant one tree for every 10k you can walk. During the delivery of kits you can choose the place where your tree will be planted, which will be housed in 11 districts of Lima: Ancon - Stone Bridge - San Juan de Lurigancho - Independence - Rimac - Lima Center - Lince - Miraflores - San Juan de Miraflores - Villa el Salvador - Manchay - Pachacamac

    This time commitment is two, this time the goal is bigger Run for the planet!
    Photo Source: http://www.running4peru.com/eventos/107-toyota-media-maraton-de-lima-2016
    Text by: http://mediamaratondelima.pe/
    There are many reasons that motivate you to run, and today we give you one more for which to give it all this August 28 in the 107 Toyota Media Lima Marathon & 10k. From today we all assume a great commitment: making this city, and the world, a better place to live. This time your effort will become more trees for the city.

    In both distances, 10k and 21k, you can make your own contribution to the environment, as we will plant one tree for every 10k you can walk. During the delivery of kits you can choose the place where your tree will be planted, which will be housed in 11 districts of Lima: Ancon - Stone Bridge - San Juan de Lurigancho - Independence - Rimac - Lima Center - Lince - Miraflores - San Juan de Miraflores - Villa el Salvador - Manchay - Pachacamac

    This time commitment is two, this time the goal is bigger Run for the planet!
    Photo Source: http://www.running4peru.com/eventos/107-toyota-media-maraton-de-lima-2016
    Text by: http://mediamaratondelima.pe/