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TCS Amsterdam Marathon TCS Amsterdam Marathon TCS Amsterdam Marathon

  • Date Date Date 2017/10/15 2017/10/15 2017/10/15
    Registration Period Registration Period Registration Period 2016/11/07 - 2017/09/04 2016/11/07 - 2017/09/04 2016/11/07 - 2017/09/04
    Area/Region Area/Region Area/Region Europe Europe Europe
    Country Country Country Amsterdam, Netherlands Amsterdam, Netherlands Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Categories Categories Categories Marathon Marathon Marathon
    Participation Fee Participation Fee Participation Fee 72.50 EUR 72.50 EUR 72.50 EUR
    Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) Number of Starters (Previous Year) 12584 12584 12584
    Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) Number of Finishers (Previous Year) 12187 12187 12187
    Web Site Web Site Web Site http://www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl http://www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl http://www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl
    On Sunday October 15th, 2017, the 42nd edition of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon will take place. There are five events scheduled this day: the TCS Marathon, the Mizuno Half Marathon, the TCS 8 K run, the Kids Run and the Mini Marathon. Online registration for this years event is open from november 7th until September 4 2017 or until the limit is reached (TCS Marathon 16.500, Mizuno Half Marathon 18.500 en TCS 8 K 7.000)
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl
    On Sunday October 15th, 2017, the 42nd edition of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon will take place. There are five events scheduled this day: the TCS Marathon, the Mizuno Half Marathon, the TCS 8 K run, the Kids Run and the Mini Marathon. Online registration for this years event is open from november 7th until September 4 2017 or until the limit is reached (TCS Marathon 16.500, Mizuno Half Marathon 18.500 en TCS 8 K 7.000)
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl
    On Sunday October 15th, 2017, the 42nd edition of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon will take place. There are five events scheduled this day: the TCS Marathon, the Mizuno Half Marathon, the TCS 8 K run, the Kids Run and the Mini Marathon. Online registration for this years event is open from november 7th until September 4 2017 or until the limit is reached (TCS Marathon 16.500, Mizuno Half Marathon 18.500 en TCS 8 K 7.000)
    Photo/Text Source: http://www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl